Bespoke tips
Going to the races and want some tips for your day out? We have been inundated with emails and queries asking for tips for a race or a meeting and where time constraints simply haven’t made this possible we are now in a position to offer you this excellent service.
For just £17.50 we will provide you with tips for the whole of one race meet – whether you are at Ffos Las on a Tuesday afternoon or going racing on a Thursday evening at Wolverhampton. We will provide the tips the morning of the racing so you can turn up to the course armed with tips and ready to hopefully, make some cash!
If you have any queries regarding this service please do get in touch.
PLEASE NOTE – Can you do your best to give us 24 hours notice or more when possible. We want to provide the best service possible and therefore study the whole card for a number of hours to give you the best chance of winning. Contacting us an hour or so before racing for tips gives us no chance of doing this.
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