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About the Festival and Weekend service

If you love your Weekend and Festival Racing, this is perfect for you, with prices starting at £60 for 3 months (£20 a month). We have had some huge success stories with our Weekends and Festivals over the last 14 years. 

We make it as entertaining as we possible can with our in depth write ups and analysis. As you will see below the work ethic is second to none, with no stone left unturned and our knowledge of the sport is up with the best.

We have a minimum sign up of three months for our Festival and Saturday Service as we believe you require at least three months to give yourself the best chance of success. Also we don’t sell a one month package as there are some months that do not include a Festival.

You will receive on average, around four to ten selections each day of a Festival, sometimes more depending which festival it is.

On average around four to six selections on a Saturday and one to three selections on a Sunday.

To view an example of how our tips are sent,
and the write ups you'll receive, check out our ebook below.

Read ebook

How do the tips work?

  1. First of all, the tips will be sent via text message (prioritised) and email.
  2. Receive text message and place your bets.
  3. Use the link attached to the text message to log in to the members area where you can read a full write up on why each selection has been chosen.
  4. We will send you one email two days before the end of your subscription to remind that you your subscription is coming to an end.
View our subscription options below.

We cover 16 festivals per year which can be found below:

Ladbrokes Newbury Festival – 27th – 28th November (£5.00 individual)
Christmas Special – 26th December – 1st January (£15.99 individual)
Cheltenham Festival Trials Day – 25th January 2021 (£4.00 individual)
Cheltenham Festival – 16th – 19th March 2021 (18.99 individual)
Grand National Festival – 8th – 10th April 2021 (£12.99 individual)
Punchestown Festival – 27th April – 1st May 2021 (£15.99 individual)
Chester Festival – 5th May to 7th May 2021 (£9.99 individual)
York Dante Festival – TBC (£9.99 individual)
1000 & 2000 Guineas Weekend – TBC (£5.00 individual)
Royal Ascot Festival 2020 – TBC – (£15.99 individual)
Newmarket July Festival – TBC –  (£9.99 individual)
Glorious Goodwood Festival – TBC (£15.99 individual)
​​​​​​​York Ebor Festival – TBC (£12.99 individual)
St Leger Festival – TBC (£12.99 individual)
Newmarket Cambridgeshire – TBC (£9.99 individual)
Cheltenham November Festival – TBC (£12.99 individual)

2020 – 2023 results

Profit to £10 stakes


Average monthly profit


Return on Investment


Detailed results

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